To stay always on the move and adapt to situations is the motto
of Bertino Rodmann, the founder and bandleader of "Coeur du Bois".
Over the last 20 Jahre he always created new bandsetups, for example the Bandproject "Coeur du Bois invites...", whereas many concerts with internationally known stars like Robin Nolan, Fapy Lafertin or Lulo Reinhardt have been played.
Now there is a new idea of Bertino, to build up a classic Guitar-Trio, to break up to new musical shores for himself.
Mor Infos on that will be announced right here as well. At the moment the search of a Drummer and bass player who knows how to play electric AND double-bass in the same time... The one who is interested may contact here.

Over the last 20 Jahre he always created new bandsetups, for example the Bandproject "Coeur du Bois invites...", whereas many concerts with internationally known stars like Robin Nolan, Fapy Lafertin or Lulo Reinhardt have been played.
Now there is a new idea of Bertino, to build up a classic Guitar-Trio, to break up to new musical shores for himself.
Mor Infos on that will be announced right here as well. At the moment the search of a Drummer and bass player who knows how to play electric AND double-bass in the same time... The one who is interested may contact here.