In our Bandprojects "Bertino & le Coeur du Bois", "Bertino Rodmann Trio" and "Coeur du Bois invites...", we play with different band-setups, like very common in the Jazz-scene. This is due to the fact that professional musicians very often have to play in serveral bands and projects to make a living.
So by the time we created a pool of great musicians that do play with us in changing setups for gigs and events. Every of these musicians is a professional musician - so you may expect the same great quality at gigs of "Coeur du Bois", wether who is playing.
Here are some of the (Guest-)Musicians and "Special Guests" of "Coeur du Bois":
Matthias Hampel (Guit.)
Jonas Lohse (Bass)
Pramila Chenchanna (Voc.)
Taylor Paucken-Reinhardt (Guit.)
Thore Benz (Bass)
Dario Napoli (Guit.)
Christoph König (Viol.)
Jensi Reinhardt (Viol.)
Serge Donkersloot (Cl., Sax)
Jordan Weiss (Guit.)
Manfred Pfeifer (Cl., Sax, Fl.)
Michael Höfler (Bass)
Bertrand Le Guillou (Guit.)
Hanna Bienert (Violine)
Thomas Schilling (Bass) 
Titi Bamberger (Guit.)
John Defferary (Cl., Sax)
So by the time we created a pool of great musicians that do play with us in changing setups for gigs and events. Every of these musicians is a professional musician - so you may expect the same great quality at gigs of "Coeur du Bois", wether who is playing.
Here are some of the (Guest-)Musicians and "Special Guests" of "Coeur du Bois":

Titi Bamberger (Guit.)

and many others more...