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    New Album out: "Rêve de Samois" by Bertino Rodmann

    revedesamois 200x130After long years in his career in different styles of music (see biography of Bertino), he decided in 2021 to record and release a first Solo-Album with solely original compositions. Over the years many songs were written and witing to be released.

    Here ou can see the image-vidio of the studio-recordings:





    Backed up by some great Jazzmusicians Bertino invited some of his friends and colleagues for the recordings: Fapy Lafertin on Solo-Guitar, Lulo Reinhardt  Rhytm- and Solo-Guitar, Bobeye Reinhardt on double-bass, Winfried Schuld on Piano and last but not least Christoph König on violin. Additional guitars were added by an former student of his, Henry Eipl on Rhythm-Guitar.

    cover revedesamois back2cover revedesamois back2

    Released has been a wonderful balanced album with 10 originals. Such as some Jazz-Ballads, fast Swingtunes as well as some more modern piecesand two Waltzes...
    Responsable for the great sound was Alen Markulin of the Majestix-Worx-Studios in Offenbach/M. without whom the album wouldnt have been possible... a great thank you to him.

    buy now logo buy now buttonIf you are interested to buy this wonderful Jazz-Album may order it right here on the website of guitarrist Bertino.

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